Old Narativ.cz | web pro postmoderní směry v terapii a poradenství


Praha 2.-5.10.2013 16th European AI Network meeting

16th European AI Network meeting: Diversity and magic

Date: 2 October 2013 - 5 October 2013
Time Location: Prague, Czech Republic

For our next meeting, we have prepared a programme which is both traditional and new.  As a tradition, we will visit different organisations for AI “intervention” (businesses, schools, NGO´s etc.), enjoy a Prague meta-walk with astrology aspects and brainstorm in an open space.

We have also returned to the tradition of having lunches together at the venue.
There will be a new experience in exercises concerning our main topic: Diversity and Magic and in meeting representatives of young Czechs trying to change our society.

As we foresee the participation of people who will encounter AI for the first time, we also plan an Introduction workshop.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Praha!
Klara, Peter and Lucie

Wednesday 2 October 2013
9,00 – 12,00: Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry (for new comers)
14,15 – 15,00: Check-in
Diversity and Magic exercises

Thursday 3 October
Prague Meta-walk
Presentation of organisations to visit and signing-up to groups
Open space
Preparation for visiting organisations and for Introductory AI workshop for new comers

Friday 4 October
Visiting organisations and Introductory AI seminar for new comers
Sharing experience
Meeting with representatives of a Prague anti-corruption organisation
Closing ceremony

Saturday 5 October
9,00 – 12,00: Advisory Board (Jedi Council)

Participation fee: 200 EUR
The fee includes the rent of the venue in the centre of Prague, lunches and refreshments, astrological tour guide and membership fee of 50EUR. Accommodation is not included.

více zde..


Úvod do teorie a praxe otevřeného dialogu


Spolek Narativ pořádá


Termín: 15.-16. 12. 2022 (vždy 9:00 – 16:30), 16 výukových hodin
Cena: 3.300,- Kč

více informací zde..

Tuto novinku jsme Vám přinesli už před několika týdny, nyní je však možnost přispět jednodušší. Stačí kliknout na Donate tlačítko a rozhodnout se, jakou částkou byste rádi přispěli. Děkujeme všem, kdo se takto rozhodnou. A kdybyste potřebovali vědět víc, zde je i krátké video a samozřejmě všechny odkazy na videa z našich workshopů.

Užijte je ve zdraví!

Pohádka: Jak šla videa od Narativu do světa


Embedded thumbnail for Sheila McNamee interviewed by Pavel Nepustil


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